Thursday, October 21, 2010

Very Healthy

Driving to work today I was listening to talk radio and the topic of discussion was relationships and of course the DO'S and DON'TS of dating. I kept chuckling at the things they were advising and then I thought "whew, good god! I love the relationship I am in!" I often think this when hearing good friends or....anyone... really, complaining of heart break. I can't imagine a better guy than Mr. Byrne. But every girl in a healthy relationship thinks this or else they should. In the past couple months things have really sped up in my life, planning a wedding, applying for grad school, horrible months at work and a brother going through very serious and real problems. I don't have time to really pause and appreciate Mr. Byrne or my love for him. I made a promise to myself to start today to always take a moment and just love him and who he is. I could write a book about what I've learned in relationships and what to do and not to do. I've had my share of mistakes and heartbreak. I am sure I will learn plenty in our marriage. But, for now, I just appreciate and love Mr. Byrne.

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